Pangkor is an island located off the coast of Perak
in north-west penisula Malaysia.
I want to stay at a hotel that was not over the top
but pleasant and clean, and most of all with nice beaches.
Pangkor Sandy Beach just met all my needs.
A brand new gem in Pangkor ...
It took about 3 hours to drive from Kuala Lumpur to Lumut, a coastal town of Perak State. Then we took a 30 minutes ferry to the island jetty; from there one could take a 5 minutes taxi ride or rent a car and one could explore the other part of the island. No one could get lost in this island!

I had a pleasant stay and I do highly recommended
Sandy Beach Resort
+605 685 3027 Fax: +605 685 3028
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Marina Bay Sands, Singapore

Singapore Interior Design

English Farm, England
in north-west penisula Malaysia.
I want to stay at a hotel that was not over the top
but pleasant and clean, and most of all with nice beaches.
Pangkor Sandy Beach just met all my needs.
A brand new gem in Pangkor ...
There are chalets, deluxe and standard room at an affordable rate. I have the benefit to go during weekday so that I could avoid all the weekend crowds; this also allowed me to enjoy lower room rate.

The Sandy Beach Resort was rather pleasantly quiet on weekday during low season. The room is comfortable, the breakfast that come together with the room rate, offered sufficient varietes from western to local food that stimulated one's appetide.
Having breakast ....
basking under the morning sun and that view!
basking under the morning sun and that view!
The owner, Mr Raja Ram, who also lived in the resort. I met him early the next day at the swimming pool; he was picking some flowers for his morning prayer. He was very friendly and gave us some tales of the island. When he knew I was an interior designer who had years of experiences in the Caribbean resorts, he quickly asked for some instant opinions to improve his resort. If I would stay a little longer, we might have the possibility of working together!

Sandy Beach Resort
+605 685 3027 Fax: +605 685 3028

Marina Bay Sands, Singapore

Singapore Interior Design

English Farm, England