If you love flowers, you would love this book by Carolyn Roehm, "A Passion for FLOWERS". This is not a new book; first edition was printed around 1998. I got a copy from Ann-Marie as my birthday gift in 1999. I was so thrilled, and this book is constantly out of my shelves on my working desk.
I am always fond of Carolyn Roehm since she was working as a fashion designer. Her fashion designs were feminine and elegant, colorful and made every woman looked beautiful.
I have been quite inspired by her energy and creativity; after winding down her fashion business, she didn't stop down, she reinvented herself by going to France learning floral arrangements and later came out with such a beautiful books. She has gone on produced few more other books.
blue and white classic combination ...
Apart from all the beautiful floral arrangements, the photograph of those flowers were stunning, and the printing was superb, paper quality was excellent, the layout was brilliant. The book is divided in Spring - Summer -Autumn - Winter. It is definitely a winner!
lots of textures
so divine!